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Coercive control encompasses both emotional and, at times, physical abuse. While emotional abuse may not leave visible bruises, it is just as damaging as physical abuse. Both forms of abuse create an imbalanced power dynamic


in the relationship. This power imbalance grants the perpetrator control, instills fear in the victim, and isolates them, making it incredibly challenging for the victim to break free.


For help with all kinds of coercive control issues, contact Margaret Parkes Therapy

Unmasking the Abuser’s Grip

In situations of coercive control, the victim's suffering often remains concealed, making the abuse even more insidious. Emotional abuse inflicts wounds that are not visible to the naked eye, leaving scars deep within.


On the other hand, physical abuse manifests in visible marks on the body. Both types of abuse create a toxic and unequal power dynamic in the relationship, granting the abuser dominance while rendering the victim powerless.


For assistance unmasking the abuser’s grip, contact Margaret Parkes Therapy

Reclaiming Self Empowerment

As a therapist and supervisor, I firmly believe that simultaneously examining clients from both emotional and neurological perspectives is crucial for their understanding and self-awareness. This approach has enabled me to identify the necessary support systems to help them progress and has significantly contributed to their rapid recovery.


If you find yourself trapped in the clutches of coercive control and yearn for change, know that there is hope and help available. Reach out to COERCIVE CONTROL COUNSELLING IRELAND, where Margaret Parkes is dedicated to guiding you on a path towards self-empowerment.


With her support, you can rediscover your lost sense of self and regain the freedom to live a life beyond your wildest dreams. It's never too late to break free from the shackles of abuse and step into a brighter, more liberated future.


For help reclaiming self empowerment, contact Margaret Parkes Therapy

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