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What is a "dirty secret" to a narcissist?
The malignant narcissist can abuse financially, sexually, emotionally, or physically. This can cause them to engage in abuse they would...
Are sales-related jobs the best hiding places for narcs?
In my work I have found that personalities with mild ADHD type traits tend to become successful in sales. Their persuasive nature make ...
Question Do you see Parallels between ADHD and NPD
Unfortunately I do see an overlap in a small amount of the ADHD and sometimes Autistic neurodivergent population and NPD. There are 4 ...
I was shamed constantly by my parents & siblings since childhood.
Still as an adult, I feel difficult when others shame me. How have you coped with shaming from others? Sadly it seems you have been used...
What is the difference between enabling and caregiving?
Someone can be a codependent and an enabler at the same time. A Codependent is an enabler and enablers enable by caretaking to the point...
Can a single mom scapegoat successfully raise a child after only learning about being a scapegoat he
Absolutely you can successfully raise an older child having been a scapegoat yourself. You now have the gift of wisdom you can now share...
How can I heal my inner child from codependency?
This is an essential question to ask oneself if we are to free our inner spirit thus allowing ourselves to have the courage and freedom...
Do people with ADHD find any careers easier or any more rewarding than others?
Interesting question because neurodifferent (ADHD) people prefer to be independent (unlike what they were afforded in school- which was ...
What is the definition of codependency? What are some traits of codependency?
How can codependency be stopped? I myself am a recovering codependent. I would describe codependency as being so low in self esteem and...
What are some of the overlooked symptoms of ADHD?
In my work experience I have experienced a connection between dyslexia, dyscalculia (problem with number/maths) dysgraphia (a ...
Can you explain the difference between being assertive, aggressive, and hostile?
Hi we have three ways of behaving, passively, aggressively, or assertively - when in communication with others. A passive style takes the...
Can you have childhood trauma and still be an empath?
I feel my background would contribute more to narcissistic traits but, nope. I never got the love or empathy from my family growing up....
Can a person be both the golden child and the scapegoat at different times in
their life with their same parent(s)? If so, how would this happen? Narcissistic Parents see their child/children as an extension of ...
Is there anything that narcissistic parents excel at?
In a healthy family system the children's needs are central. In a narcissistic family system the parent's needs are the priority. The...
If given the chance, would narcissists treat children with the same hate they treat everyone else wi
hate they treat everyone else with? I am not sure its hate in many cases it a sense of entitlement. However the answer is YES If they...
How can I stop a narcissist from ruling my life?
Are you co-dependendent/addicted to him/her? Do not have children together, is this stopping you from leaving? This is still no excuse....
My 6-year-old has been sat on her own in class because she can be disruptive (ADHD).
Is isolating her when all the others sit in pairs the correct approach? Its Absolutely not the correct approach. It will make her feel ...
Are people with ADHD aware that they have ADHD?
From what I see, many of them seem completely oblivious to it Many are not aware that they are neurodifferent. However though highly...
What happens when Yu have a total mental breakdownas a wife to a narcissist while still
living together? I was only discussing this with a client yesterday. Very often those living with a narcissist are the ones who end up...
What is the difference between a covert narc and codependency?
A codependent and a narcissist both control, however with different outcomes in mind. The narcissist controls to gain power and ...
Is it better for a child to be raised without a narcissist parent,
if possible, by only one parent who is not narcissist? Yes from my experience in my work is causes less confusion for the child and...
How do I manage a narcissist taking over a group?
You can try and manage yourself not the narcissist. Say how you feel but do not go head to head cognitively. That is their strength. You...
I never understood how a narcissistic parent will desire their child to become codependent,
or mirror and adapt their personality disorder until I discovered I made a child with one. How do you coparent with someone who will...
How do I deal with a jealous family member that is a narcissist that wants me to look bad to other
people because that's the only way she can feel better? I am wondering why knowing that this person is toxic to be with, do you spend...
Do narcissist kids gaslight their parents?
Yes some narcissistic kids do gaslight their parents to the point of emotional destabilisation thus causing doubt and confusion in their...
What are common things that will happen when you have gone no contact
with a narcissistic family members or child? Firstly expect them to respond with surprise anger and disgust because they no longer have...
How do I decide to stay or go while pregnant with a narcissist?
(I’m 24 weeks along, living in a different province since Dec. 1st, trying to distance myself but he insists on being with me once baby...
Do narcissistic mothers have a favorite child?
I find in my work that yes narcissistic mothers and fathers can have a favourite child. This type of parent is a self feeder so they ...
Do narcissists compete with their own children for attention?
Yes, in my work I have found that both male and female narcissists can compete with their own children. Their need to be the centre of ...
Is there any correlation or crossover between narcissism and ADHD?
I feel that the behaviours have similarities and I am worried that I may have narcissistic traits. In my work I find there are...
What is the practical way to deal with a man who is absolutely conniving,
an abuser, a pathological liar, and a malignant narcissist/psychopath? There is no reasoning with such a person. Cut off all contact ...
What advice do you have for the mothers of a narcissistic grown son?
Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries. Stay very firm about your expectations of their behaviour moving forward. I.e. Do you want him to ...
How do you un-narc your child? Has anyone been successful at doing it?
I have worked with this. It is complex. I wonder is there some role model in their lives they are copying. Or could they also can be in ...
Is it possible that a covert narcissist uses his teen daughter to triangulate?
Yes he can cause triangulation to happen either between the daughter and her siblings or between the daughter and his wife/her mum for...
What advice would you give to a child who is the scapegoat for a narcissistic parent?
Knowledge is the key. I wish I had understood and could put a name on the dynamics of narcissism growing up as a kid. I was lost and...
Living with Adult ADHD
In my view there is no difference if the person with ADHD is educated in a way that suits their brain which helps them to thrive from a...
What hurts a narcissist more than indifference?
Yes indifference hurts and angers the narcissist because it shows them that they no longer have power or control over you. However in my...
How do you become less sensitive to being wrong and taking criticism after being raised
in the shadow of a narcissist parent's know-it-all-ISM - where they were "always right" and I was "always wrong"? It is hard to not feel...
Is it a good idea to go to a psychologist with a narcissist?
What is the purpose of the visit, is it to work on the relationship? Because relationships are co-constructed this would also require...
How do Narcissists and toxic parents raise their children?
In a non toxic and non-narcissistic family the needs are centered on the children whereas in in a toxic/dysfunctional family the needs...
Lately, my dad has been punching holes in the walls of our house.
My mom wants to get the walls fixed, but we need an excuse other than "Our dad punched the walls.” What can be some good excuse? So you...
How do I become immune to the tactics of my narcissistic family and focus on my career?
Detachment and in some instances no contact is essential if you are not being heard, given choice, being respected or if you are being ...
How do we manage a generation of narcissists?
First we need to be aware that sadly they do exist and they present with different levels of malignancy and destructiveness. This...
I’m being bullied by a narcissist boss. What can I do?
I would encourage you to leave before you become totally destabalised. They do not change. They will be surrounded by their flying...
Why do most of the bloggers make narcissistic people out to be only men?
I was married to a woman that could define narcissistic to the textbook definition. In my work with survivors of narcissistic abuse I...
I’m being bullied by a narcissist boss. What can I do?
I would encourage you to leave before you become totally destabalised. They do not change. They will be surrounded by their flying...
As a non-narcissist with codependencies, I also have a very devaluing voice in my head.
I do not have a grandiose voice. Is this normal? Yes I understand this and it's normal for many who present for therapy. It is something...
Do narcissists usually have behavioral problems in school
when younger to the point of needing to be home schooled? Interesting question because I have wondered about this myself and have...
If you escape a group of narcs, do you give off a fresh scent that other narcs pool too?
Yes if you have not worked therapeutically on your vulnerability that attracted you to the first narcissistic group or them to you.....
Are narcissists typically wealthy individuals, or are they lower class?
My experience through my work is that many are typically wealthy rather than poor. Their lack of conscience and their impulsiveness can ...
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