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In my role as a psychotherapist, I've observed a significant pattern among clients – approximately one in every three adolescents and adults who seek help for severe anxiety, depression, chronic low self-esteem, or addiction are also dealing with undiagnosed neurodevelopmental conditions.


These conditions include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Autism. These undiagnosed conditions often lead to emotionally traumatic experiences in various aspects of their lives.


For assistance with all kinds of ADHD related issues, contact Margaret Parkes Therapy

The Impact of Undiagnosed Neurodevelopmental Conditions

Many of these individuals are exceptionally intelligent but find themselves on a challenging life journey, characterized by exclusion, bullying, and a lack of understanding from social, educational, and work environments.


These experiences understandably result in confusion, hurt, low trust, anger, panic, chronic low self-esteem, and a pervasive feeling of inadequacy that has persisted for most of their lives. In many cases, these unresolved issues have given rise to mental health problems, and tragically, some have even attempted suicide due to the isolation and confusion caused by their hyperactive, distracted, or rigid thought processes.


For help discovering the impact of undiagnosed conditions like ADHD, contact Margaret Parkes Therapy

A Holistic Approach

As a therapist and supervisor, I firmly believe that simultaneously examining clients from both emotional and neurological perspectives is crucial for their understanding and self-awareness. This approach has enabled me to identify the necessary support systems to help them progress and has significantly contributed to their rapid recovery.


Equally important is helping clients recognize how their newfound awareness can benefit the next generation, particularly the "different" child within their own families. Armed with this knowledge, they can provide loving and practical social and educational support, sparing their children from the lonely struggle and shame endured by previous generations.

Early Detection and Support

I remain vigilant for signs of neurodiversity, particularly when clients present with anxiety or low self-esteem. If I suspect these conditions may be at play, I promptly arrange for a neuro-psychiatric assessment. I work with clients throughout and after diagnosis, helping them comprehend their brain and rebuild their self-esteem.


It's gratifying to have several adult clients in my records who, after receiving late-life diagnoses, have gone on to excel academically, change careers, or establish their own businesses.


I offer emotional support and test diagnosis for those not yet diagnosed in preparation for their final psychiatric diagnosis. I offer the client options of psychiatrists they might attend and help the client prepare for this meeting. I also offer emotional and psychoeducational support for those who unknowingly have struggled for years with ADHD and highlight the impact this may have had on their education, friendships, relationships and self-esteem and for some its connection with their anxiety, loneliness and depression and show them a new way forward.


The symptoms associated with ADHD elevate the risk of motor vehicle crashes for teenagers and adults. Driving with ADHD requires heightened awareness as it addresses the unique challenges individuals with ADHD may face, including maintaining focus and regulating impulses, to contribute to a safer road environment among drivers. In the interest of public safety, we created a new resource for those driving with ADHD.


Check it out below:

ADHD and Driving -


For help supporting someone with ADHD, contact Margaret Parkes Therapy

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